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La Lumina Lunii Serial Online

카테고리 없음

by leimilpori1974 2020. 2. 23. 10:39


John Lola (1 episode, 2007) Coraline Beth Turner Owen Haggans (1 episode, 2007) ADA Benjamin Talbot (4 episodes, 2008) The Cleaner (1 episode, 2008) Tierney Taylor (1 episode, 2008) Sam (1 episode, 2007) Lt.

Buna, fete frumoase:)!/ Hey beautiful girls:)! Nu pot sa nu recunosc, cat de mult ma incanta vremea asta frumoasa din ultimele zile si faptul ca s-a topit zapada prin oras:). Stiu ca nu toate sunteti de acord cu mine, insa eu sunt foarte pregatita pentru primavara, vreme calda si haine mai lejere (si mai putine)! Dar sa trecem la „oile” noastre!

I just can’t not admit how much I love the nice weather from the past few days, and the fact that the snow is gone:). I’m sure not everybody agrees with me, but I’m so ready for spring, warm weather and less clothes!

But let’s don’t forget what this post is about:)!. In articolul de azi, vreau sa impartasesc cu voi produsele preferate si cel mai des folosite, din luna ce a trecut.

In today’s post I want to share with you my favorite and most used products from last month. Let’s get started!

Ingrijire&machiaj/ Beauty&make-up. Paleta de fardu ri de ochi Sunset de la Sleek 12.1.1g/ Sleek Sunset Eyshadow palette 12.1.1g.

All-focus Fardurile de pleoape de la Sleek incep sa ma incante din ce in ce mai mult, cu fiecare paleta noua pe care o folosesc, atat din punct de vedere al calitatii acestora, cat si din punct de vedere al combinatiei de culori. Paleta Sunset imi aminteste de vara, soare si caldura prin culorile calde si vii, care se completeaza perfect. Poate fi gasita I’m beginning to love more and more the Sleek eyeshadows with every palette I use, not only because of the quality and pigmentation, but also for the color combination of the palettes. The Sunset palette reminds me of summer, sun and heat, and the colors complete each other perfectly. You can find it.

Fard de pleoape Yves Rocher in nuanta 02 – Or blanc 2g/ Yves Rocher eyeshadow in the shade 02 – Or blanc 2g. All-focus Am primit fardul acesta de la Yves Rocher, impreuna cu editia din decembrie a revistei Marie Claire si pot sa spun ca mi-a placut foarte mult inca de la prima incercare. Nuanta este un auriu-alburiu foarte frumos, contine particule stralucitoare foarte fine si poate fi purtat ca atare pe pleoapa sau ca iluminator pentru a evidentia anumite zone. I received this eyeshadow from Yves Rocher, with the december edition of the Marie Claire magazine, and love it from the first try.

It’s a goldish champagne shade, with shiny particles in it, and can be worn on the eyelid or as a highlighter. Fond de ten Revlon Colorstay pentru tenul mixt si gras in nuanta 150 – Buff 30ml/ Revlon Colorstay foundation for oily and combination skin in the shade 150 – Buff 30ml. All-focus Cu ocazia reducerilor de Black Friday, a venit timpul sa pun si eu mana pe mult laudatul fond de ten Revlon Colorstay. Eu mi-am cumparat varianta pentru tenul mixt si gras, si pot spune ca isi merita toate cuvintele de lauda.

Singurul lucru, care ma deranjeaza la el, este faptul ca nu are pompita de dozare, ceea ce face aplicarea mai greoaie, insa la cat de bine isi face treaba, pot trece peste acest inconvenient. Contine FPS 15, si poate fi gasit It was about time for me to try out the Revlon Colorstay foundation last year for Black Friday, since I red loads of positive reviews about it. I choosed the one for oily and combination skin, and I must say that I love this foundation. The only thing that’s bothering me about it, is that you can’t dose it properly, but I can manage to deal with this fact, since it’s a really good foundation. It has SPF 15 and you can find it.

Fard de obraz Rimmel London Lasting Finish in nuanta 120 – Pink Rose 4.5g/ Rimmel London Lasting Finish Blush in the shade 120 – Pink Rose 4.5g. All-focus In sfarsit am gasit un creion de sprancene, care se potriveste perfect cu nuanta sprancenelor mele.

Apelez la el, de fiecare data, cand sunt grabita si nu imi permite timpul sa folosesc un kit de sprancene. Are un subton gri, este cremos si poate fi aplicat cu ususrinta. I finally managed to find the perfect shade of eyebrow pencil, to fill in my eyebrows. I use this product every time I’m in a hurry and have no time to properly use an eyebrow kit.


It has a grey undertone, it’s creamy and can be easily applied. Lac de buze Rimmel London Apocalips in nuanta 102 – Nova 5.5ml/ Rimmel London Apocalips Lip Lacquer in the shade 102 – Nova 5.5ml Ador acest lac de buze, datorita faptului ca este foarte rezistent, nu dispare inestetic, nu este lipicios odata ce se usuca, iar nuanta acestuia este un roz foarte placut si purtabil. Poate fi gasit I love this lip lacquer, because it’s very resistant, doesn’t look ugly when it start to fade, it’s not sticky and this pink shade it’s very nice and wearable. You can find it. Sephora luciu de buze ‘Kiss the moon’ 5g/ Sephora ‘Kiss the moon’ Lip Gloss 5g.

All-focus Nu sunt adepta acestui gen de produs, insa acesta de la Sephora m-a cucerit in primul rand, datorita ambalajului foarte dragut. Produsul in sine este confortabil de purtat si nu este lipicios, cum sunt majoritatea produselor de acest gen. I’m not a big fan of lip glosses, but I must admit that this one from Sephora got me for the cute packaging.

The lip gloss it’s comfortable to wear and it’s not sticky, like other lip glosses. Balsam de buze Oriflame Tender Care Chocolate 15ml/ Oriflame Tender Care Chocolate Lip Balm 15ml Balsamul acesta de buze a fost preferatul meu pe toata perioada anotimpului rece, deoarece hidrateaza foarte bine buzele si miroase absolut delicios, a ciocolata.

This lip balm was my favorite during the cold season, because it’s very moisturising and smells like chocolate. Yves Rocher gel de dus exfoliant cu mure 200ml/ Yves Rocher blackberries exfoliating shower gel 200ml Gelul de dus de la Yves Rocher mi-a placut mult, deoarece miroase foarte bine, exfolieaza delicat pielea si o lasa fina. I love this shower gel, because it smells delicious, gently exfoliates my skin and makes it smooth and silky.

Deodorant antiperspirant Rexona Motion Sense cu aloe vera 150ml/ Rexona Motion Sense body spray with aloe vera 150ml Consider ca antiperspirantele de la Rexona sunt cele cu care ma impac cel mai bine si care imi ofera protectia de care am nevoie pe parcursul unei zile. Miros bine si sunt eficiente, iar cel cu aloe vera este preferatul meu. I think the Rexona deodorants are the ones that I most like. The smell it’s nice, they’re effective and protect me all day long.

The one with aloe vera it’s my favorite. 2.Diverse/ Random. Pensule de machiaj Shein/ Shein makeup brushes. All-focus Mi-am comandat aceste pensule de pe site-ul, in urma giveaway-ului castigat pe blogul, si sincera si fiu nu aveam asteptari foarte mari, luand in considerare provenienta lor (China).

Dar am zis ca pentru 15$ merita sa incerc si bine am facut, deoarece pensulele sunt foarte moi si pufoase, si nu pierd fire nici la utilizare, nici la spalare. Imi plac foarte mult si sunt convinsa, ca am facut o afaracere buna achizitionandu-le. Daca va intereseaza, le puteti gasi I ordered these makeup brushes from, after winning giveaway and I didn’t have high expectation, because I knew that they were made in China. But I thought I might give them a go anyway, since the cost was only 15$.

La Lumina Lunii Serial Online Subtitrat


I must say I made a great deal, because the brushes are really soft, and don’t lose any hair, neither if I’m using them or cleaning them. I’m very pleased with the purchase I made. If you are interested, you can find the brushes. Cercei in forma de fulgi de nea/ Snowflake earrings Imi plac foarte mult acesti cercei, deoarece sunt finuti si eleganti, si se potrivesc perfect in sezonul de iarna. Ii puteti gasi I love these earrings a lot, because they are subtle, elegant and perfect for the winter season. You can find them.

Serialul Perception / Perception Perception este un serial american de tip drama, creat de Kenneth Biller si Mike Sussman. Actorul principal este Eric McCormack, in rolul Dr.

Daniel Pierce, un neuropsihiatru schizofrenic, care ajuta FBI-ul pentru a rezolva cele mai complexxe cazuri de crima. Serialul a fost difuzat pe canalul TNT din 9 iulie 2012, pana pe 17 martie 2015. Dupa 3 sezoane, in data de 13 noiembrie 2014, serialul a fost anulat. Ultimele episoade ale sezonului 3 au fost difuzate in februarie 2015. Episoadele incep, de obicei, cu Dr. Pierce predand o lectie despre o parte a creierului uman studentilor sai, lectie ce are legatura cu intamplarile din episodul respectiv. Episoadele se incheie in acelasi mod, fiind subliniate paradoxurile perceptiei umane.

Daniel Pierce este solicitat de FBI pentru a colabora in rezolvarea unor cazuri complexe de crima in Chicago. Doctorul lucreaza cu agenta Kate Moretti, o fosta studenta a acestuia, ea fiind persoana care il pune in contact cu cazurile FBI-ului.

Din echipa mai fac parte: Max Lewicki, asistentul doctorului si Natalie Vincent, o halucinatie rezultata din cauza schizofreniei. Mi se pare un serial interesant si educativ, pe care l-am devorat, trecand foarte repede prin episoadele celor trei sezoane. Il recomand celor carorar le plac serialele cu tema politista:)! Perception is an American crime drama television series created by Kenneth Biller and Mike Sussman. The series stars Eric McCormack as Dr.

Daniel Pierce, a schizophrenic neuropsychiatrist who assists the FBI on some of their most complex cases. The series aired in the United States on the cable channel TNT from July 9, 2012 to March 17, 2015 and was produced by ABC Studios. On November 13, 2014, Perception was canceled after three seasons. The remaining episodes of season 3 began airing February 17, 2015. Episodes typically begin with a scene of Pierce giving a lecture to his students about an aspect of the human brain that becomes significant within the plot of the episode. The episodes also typically end with observations said to students about the paradoxes of human perception. Daniel Pierce is enlisted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to assist in solving some of its most complex cases in Chicago. Pierce works closely with Special Agent Kate Moretti, a former student who recruited him to work with the FBI.

Also on the team are Max Lewicki, Dr. Pierce’s teaching assistant, and Natalie Vincent, a hallucination manifested as a result of his schizophrenia who also serves as his best friend. I think it’s an interesting and educational TV serie, and I absolutely enjoyed watching every single episod.

Highly recommand it for those who love television series about crime and cops. Acestea au fost preferatele mele din luna ce a trecut! Astept sa imi spuneti si voi ce ati folosit cu placere in luna decembrie, in casuta de comentarii.

Pe data viitoare:)! That’s all for my December favorites. I’m waiting for your favorites in the comment box below. See you next time:)!

Aveti grija de voi/ Take care, Iulia. Buna fetelor!/ Hey girls! Marti dupa masa, mireasma de narcise al uleiului de la Solaris, se lupta in zadar pentru a schimba aerul de tristete ce invaluie camera si orasul. Sorb putina cafea din cana, cafea pe care nu am reusit sa o termin de azi dimineata Parca si aceasta este mai amara, cu toate ca, eu oricum obisnuiesc sa o beau fara zahar Incerc sa imi adun gandurile, sa imi gasesc cuvintele, dar azi pare aproape imposibil de realizat. Ce ar mai fi de spus, atunci cand doar cuvintele nu sunt de ajuns?


#prayforcolectiv. Va las cu un articol mai vechi din draft, poate reusesc sa va inseninez putin ziua!. Inca din copilarie mi s-a parut fascinant ce poti gasi in geanta unei femei. Priveam cu admiratie geanta mamei, care tot timpul avea de toate, pentru a face fata cu brio oricarei situatii. Gasesc tare interesante postarile sau filmuletele de genul „Ce se afla in geanta mea?”, astfel incat,m-am gandit ca in postarea de azi, sa va arat si eu ce iau zilnic cu mine in geanta.

Since I was a little girl, I thought that a woman’s bag is fascinating. Starting with my mom’s handbag, that was always ready to handle any emergency situation.

I love to see „What’s in my bag?” posts and videos, so I thought I’ll share with you what I carry around with me in a daily basis. Geanta pe care o folosesc cel mai des in perioada asta, este cea de mai sus de la H&M de dimensiuni mai mari, cumparata in vara. Este o geanta simpla, neagra, foarte usor de asortat si mai ales, foarte incapatoare. Ce imi place cel mai mult la ea, este ca are picioruse din acelea de metal dedesubt, astfel incat nu se murdareste daca o pun jos undeva. My most used handbag this season is this larger one from H&M, and I bought it last summer. It’s a simple, black bag, that is easy to wear and that has plenty of room for all the things I like to carry around.

I like the most about this bag, that is has little metal applications on the bottom, so it doesn’t get dirty if I put it down somewhere. Geanta are un buzunar exterior si un compartiment principal in interior, care se inchide cu fermoar. Inauntru mai avem un buzunar mai micut cu fermoar si unul pentru telefonul mobil.

The bag has a big side pocket and a main compartment, that is secured with a zipper. Inside the main compartment there is a smaller pocket with a zipper and a pocket for the phone. Si acum, haideti sa vedem ce avem inauntru! And now let’s see what is in my bag! 1.telefonul/ my phone; 2.

Chei/ keys; 3.casti pentru telefon/ headphones; 4.servetele uscate/ tissues – le prefer pe cele simple, fara miros/ i like the simple ones, without any scent; 5. Servetele umede/ wipes – le ador pe cele de la Lidl cu aroma de pepene, deoarece nu contin alcool/ I love to use the ones from Lidl with melon scent, because they are alcohol free; 6.balsam de buze/ lip balm – preferatele mele sunt Baby Lips-urile incolore de la Maybelline/ my favorite lip balms are the no colored ones from Maybelline Baby Lips; 7. Portofel/ wallet – momentan folosesc un portofel negru cu detalii aurii, de la Mohito, care imi place mult si care contine chestii normale: bani, carduri, maruntis etc/ the wallet I use now is from Mohito, and it’s black with gold details, and I like it alot. It contains some normal stuff for a wallet, like money, cards, coins; 8.ochelari de soare/ sunglasses – New Yorker; 9. Carnetel+pix/ notebook+pen; 10. Guma de mestecat, dropsuri/ gum, candy – preferatele mele in aceasta categorie sunt guma de mestecat Orbit cu aroma de pepene verde si Halls cu miere si lime/ my favorites in this category are Orbit with watermelon flavour and Halls with lime flavour; 11.

Oglinda/ mirror; 12.